Since 2004, CAVU has addressed social justice and environmental issues across the globe, resulting in our extensive video library.
Dive into complex ecosystems and hear stories from the people most impacted and fighting to make their families and communities more resilient.

Perspective Is Everything
3 minutes
CAVU was founded in Central America by David and Jordan Smith in 2004. Leveraging our unique combination of tools: flight, film and education, CAVU empowers people to take meaningful action on critical conservation and social justice issues in their own communities.

6 Part Series - Exploring Oil & Gas Issues in New Mexico
“Unearthed” utilizes the power of local voices in film, storytelling, and community collaboration to bridge the gap between ideological extremes, linking climate, economy, and health so that they are more easily understood as non-partisan issues. In coordination with more than 20 local and national non-profits, schools, community and religious organizations, we will roll-out our video and webinar series through social media, radio, meet-ups and public forums.

Reefs for People
6 Part Series
The Belize Barrier Reef system is in danger. The scenic beauty of the region’s coastal areas makes it a prime tourist destination, which can put pressure on fragile reef environments. Further inland, rich soils attract large-scale agriculture, whose run-off can severely impact reefs. And increasing sea levels and water temperatures from climate change threaten corals and other marine animals such as turtles, as well as the communities that depend on the reef for their livelihoods and food security.

Ahead of the Tide
10 Part Series
“Ahead of the Tide” is an independent movement launching a 10-part video series highlighting the effects of sea level rise and climate change through the stories and voices of local Floridians. Each short video (5 to 7 minutes) showcases various aspects concerning sea level rise and includes interviews with scientists, engineers, politicians, conservation directors, educators, authors, activists.

Wildlife Without Borders
4 Part Series
Wildlife Without Borders is a CAVU media initiative to raise awareness and a better understanding of the importance of wildlife and wildlife habitat to landscapes, local economies, and cultures in the West

Nuestras Aguas, Nuestra Vida
32 minutes
Along Costa Rica’s once remote south Pacific coast, a crisis looms. The access to Potable water, one of the most basic of human rights, is in jeopardy. Unplanned development has parceled coastal mountains and rainforest, unleashing a cycle of erosion and pollution that gravely threatens the Parque Nacional Marino Ballena, Latin America’s first marine park, and the region’s sustainable tourism-based economy.

Agua Salvadora
27 minutes
As is the case in many Latin American countries, significant segments of El Salvador’s population live without reliable access to potable water. Agua Salvadora is a documentary about the process involved in supplying potable water to poor communities.