About CAVU &
the Climate Innovation Challenge

For more than 20 years CAVU has been supporting local solutions to the climate crisis via visual storytelling and youth education programs.

Dive into CIC – our free STEAM program for students in grades 3–12! It’s designed to spark innovative solutions to climate change while enhancing their storytelling and video-making talents.

CIC provides opportunities for students to take action as they enter a climate challenged future for the betterment of themselves, their communities, and our planet. CAVU believes that engaging youth in solutions-based education about the climate crisis provides students with a sense of agency and hope. When students engage in action, they stay in action.

Program Goals

  • Prioritize communities most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change
  • Amplify youth voices when addressing climate challenges 
  • Develop pathways to implement student solutions and explore career opportunities
  • Improve students’ digital media skills
  • Cultivate innovation, creative problem solving, and leadership
  • Work collaboratively with communities to develop regionally and culturally specific lessons that meet students where they’re at
  • Ease the anxiety climate change can create by focusing on solutions and opportunities

Help Fund Youth Climate Innovation

Empower students with confidence as they navigate their educational and career paths in a world facing climate challenges.

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