Bleakley Shettle

Bleakley Shettle is an eighth grader from Florida. She is an avid reader and enjoys making art, playing violin, creative writing, and finding unique ways to educate people about climate change and help her local environment. She also has a small face painting business. In addition to being accepted for the NOAA Ocean Guardian Youth Ambassador program for two years, Bleakley participates in her school Green Club and many other clubs at her school. She has also entered in her local science fair for two years in a row and has advanced to the state science fair both years. When she was in seventh grade, she placed fourth in her category at the state science fair. Her project was titled, Creating Sustainable Alternatives to Plastic.

As president of her school’s Green Club, she and other members of the Green Club participated in the Climate Innovation Challenge for the first time last year and tied for the Best Storytelling award in the middle school division. Their video was about how hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico are getting stronger because of climate change.

Bleakley has many interests, but she is most passionate about helping the environment. She loves learning about the effects of climate change and how to help. So far, Bleakley has made changes in her own home by limiting her use of single-use plastics and using less water, and she has also made an impact in her community by making and distributing brochures about the effects of single-use items on the environment.

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